Croton Gatehouse
The Croton Aqueduct Gatehouse is located on the corner of 150 Convent Avenue and 135th Street in Mahattanville, Manhattan, New York City, NY. The building was designed by Frederick S. Cook in a Romanesque Revival style and built in 1884. A hundred years later, the Gatehouse was decommissioned and the below grade valve chambers were filled. The building sat empty for almost two decades. Between 2004 and 2006, architects oversaw an adaptive reuse project converting the gatehouse into theater space for the Harlem Stage/Aaron Davis Hall.
Allen Architectural Metals created 25 exact replica custom cast iron windows, casings and transoms and the original multi-colored art glass was glazed into each frame. New custom cast hardware was fabricated to make each window functional including screen coverings and grilles. These window assemblies were completely fabricated and glazed, then shipped and installed at the Gatehouse Theater in units. The final addition of these multi-colored windows allows a spectrum of color and light to flood this classical theater.

Gatehouse 1888 Drawing and Photo
Harlem, NY
New York City Department of Design and Construction
M.A. Angeliades, Inc.