From their architectural designs to the legends that surround them, lighthouses are more than just beacons of light—they are symbols of history, resilience, and maritime culture. Here are 10 interesting facts about lighthouses that shed some light on their history around the world.

  1. The First Lighthouse in the World
    The Pharos of Alexandria in Egypt, built around 280 BC, is considered the first lighthouse in history. It used an open fire as its light source and was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  2. The First Lighthouse in the USA
    The first lighthouse in the United States was established on Little Brewster Island in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, in 1716. It used tallow candles to light the way for ships.
  3. The Evolution of Candlepower
    Originally, lighthouse brightness was measured in candlepower, a term now replaced by the international unit known as the candela. One candlepower is roughly equivalent to 0.981 candelas, a standard established in 1948.
  4. The Most Powerful Lighthouse in the World
    Phare du Creach in Ushant, France, holds the title for the most powerful lighthouse in the world, with a staggering 500 million candlepower. Its light is visible up to 26 nautical miles away.
  5. The Most Powerful Lighthouse in the USA
    The Sullivan’s Island lighthouse in Charleston, South Carolina, is the most powerful in the United States, with an output of 1.2 million candelas. Like its French counterpart, its light reaches up to 26 nautical miles.
  6. The First Lighthouse in the World to Use Electricity
    The South Foreland Lighthouse in Dover, Kent, UK, became the first lighthouse in the world to use electricity in 1858, marking a significant technological advancement in lighthouse history.
  7. The First Lighthouse in the USA to Use Electricity
    In 1886, the Statue of Liberty in New York became the first lighthouse in the United States to utilize electric light, illuminating the gateway to the New World.
  8. How Many Lighthouses in the World are Still Functioning?
    There are more than 20,000 lighthouses around the world still functioning today.
  9. The Oldest Functioning Lighthouse in the World
    The Tower of Hercules, located in Corunna, Spain, and built by the Romans in the late 1st or early 2nd century AD, is the oldest lighthouse still in operation today.
  10. The Most Haunted Lighthouse in the World
    St. Augustine Lighthouse in Florida is reputed to be the most haunted lighthouse in the world, with numerous reports of ghostly encounters and eerie occurrences. This site continues to attract both history enthusiasts and paranormal investigators alike.

“Were I a Roman Catholic, perhaps I should on this occasion vow to build a chapel to some saint; but as I am not, if I were to vow at all, it should be to build a lighthouse.” — Benjamin Franklin, July 1757

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