
In the Beginning

An unyielding rigid mass barrels through the cold malevolent void coursing in a silent scream. Hurtling among the blackness, toward a bright unsuspecting blue and green spherical swirl, the scream suddenly finds a voice as it penetrates the atmosphere. Violently the meteorite crashes down through the air and strikes, punching the desert sands with a mighty booming slam. As the dust settles a curious but wary group of early Egyptians gather to greet this staggering wonderous visitor from the heavens. It is iron.

Iron Services


A Revolutionary Material

While it already exists here on Earth in abundance, it will be thousands of years before it takes its rightful place as a revolutionary building material. It is a true turning point metal in the story of modern industry. In the 1800s we begin to recognize iron’s gift to industry in the form of wrought iron sheets, and then later in cast iron columns.

While it already exists here on Earth in abundance, it will be thousands of years before it takes its rightful place as a revolutionary building material. It is a true turning point metal in the story of modern industry. In the 1800s we begin to recognize iron’s gift to industry in the form of wrought iron sheets, and then later in cast iron columns.

cast iron column

93 Reade, NY

fulton building cast iron restoration

422 Fulton, NY

cast iron stair repairs

Grand Army Plaza, NY

Grand Army Plaza, NY

Strong but Fragile

Iron is incredibly strong but proves brittle if challenged beyond its capacity. At Allen Architectural Metals we recognize this gifted metal for all the stubbornness of its strength and the fragile beauty of its form.

Iron is incredibly strong but proves brittle if challenged beyond its capacity. At Allen Architectural Metals we recognize this gifted metal for all the stubbornness of its strength and the fragile beauty of its form.